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September 19 - 22, 2023

Welcome Ashley and Carlie Terradez!

Join Ashley and Carlie Terradez at Freedom Christian Center in Charlotte, NC for Freedom Camp Meeting 2022! 


At these FREE, power-packed meetings, you can expect to gain a greater revelation of everything that Jesus Christ has done for you. Fellowship with other believers in a family-focused environment, and learn how to access all of those blessings Jesus purchased for you. He paid for your peace, victory in your home and family, supernatural financial provision, physical and emotional healing, and a unique purpose and plan for your life!


“The LORD has done great things for us, And we are glad.” — Psalm 126:3

The Lord truly has done great things. And we expect that He will continue to work miracles at this event: healing bodies, restoring minds, and encouraging hearts.


At this event, you can expect:

• powerful praise & worship by BJ & Lisa Sullivan and our FCC Praise and Worship Team
• life-changing healings and miracles
• encouraging messages on how to walk in God’s promises
• faith-building children and youth ministry


Children’s ministry will take place during every evening service. Josh Terradez will be speaking to the youth each evening, so bring your teenagers for a powerful time of ministry!


Come and be empowered to believe God and learn to release His power in your everyday life! This event is free and open to the public, but seating is limited, so register online today!

Terradez Ministry Materials Available

A variety of books, CDs and DVDs will be for sale through Camp Meeting.

Can't Join Us? 

Visit our Media page to watch Camp Meeting LIVE.

You can also order the recorded sessions by visiting our online store.  

CD Set $25

DVD Set $30 (Wed-Fri meetings only)

Individual Meeting CD $7

Individual Meeting DVD $10

Camp Meeting Service Times

Tuesday Service - 7:00PM

Wednesday Service - 7:00PM

Thursday Service - 7:00PM

Friday Service - 7:00PM

For 2022, all Services will be held inside Freedom Christian Center and are FREE


Seating is limited so register online today!

Children's Church is available for children ages 5 - 12. 


Youth Services nightly with Josh Terradez!


Concessions will be available each night, so come hungry!


Visiting from out of town?  Special hotel rates are available at the Hampton inn and Suites.  Click on the link to be redirected or call direct mentioning the group code.


Hampton Inn & Suites


2731 Little Rock Road

Charlotte, North Carolina

(704) 394-6455

Group: Ambassadors to the Nations

Group Code: ATN

Learn more about their ministry by visiting their website.

Terradez ashley-and-carlie-about-rotated

Empowering believers in the Promises of God

Terradez Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry that helps people build a strong relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.

With a special emphasis on supernatural healing and financial provision, we help people to access everything that Jesus has already provided for us through His death, burial, and resurrection.

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