Todd & Melissa Melton
Todd and Melissa's passion is great for the children's ministry. Endless energy and ideas. Object lessons on a child’s level that drive the message of Jesus home every week. Todd and Melissa have worked with our children and youth since 1987. As teens, Teen Mania got them interested in missionary programs. They have been Ambassadors to the Nations full time missionaries over the y ears.
Currently, they work full-time for Ambassadors to the Nations, where Todd serves as Director of Operations and Melissa is the Mission's accountant. They were married here at FCC in 1994 and have four boys and two girls.
Children & Youth Leaders

Demetrius & Roberta Dawson
The Dawsons serve as worship leaders and oversee an awesome Praise & Worship team with a live band that loves to lift up the name of Jesus!
Demetrius is the founder and president of Freedom Music Institute (FMI). FMI endeavors to train musicians and vocalists to reach their full potential in the area of music ministry. Another extension of their music ministry, the Dawson's also founded Chennaniah Praiz Productions, which encompasses the area of music production and distribution. The Dawsons seek to fulfill God's call on their life to teach others how to "bring the music from the inside out", and as schedules permit, travel the region to teach and train the body of Christ in the area of praise and worship.
Praise & Worship Leaders

Latrenda Martin
Latrenda has been at Freedom Christian Center since 1984, serving as church secretary since 2006. Married to Danny Martin, she has 5 Children and 3 grandchildren. Latrenda enjoys serving the church through preparing food, teaching children's church, doing missions and anything needed. She is a great blessing to FCC.
Church Secretary

Scott and Wanda Melton
Wanda is the daughter of Pastor Dean and Georgia Melton, Senior Pastors of Freedom Christian Center. She has been at FCC since the church opened in 1982, serving as church secretary. She is married to Scott Jolley, who now enjoys full-time service to both the church and Ambassadors to the Nations. Wanda also helps in children's church and any area of ministry as needed. The Jolleys are faithful and their service is much appreciated at FCC.
Church Staff

Dawn Auble
A long-time resident of Charlotte, NC, Dawn has been serving at FCC since 2006. In 2018, she assumed leadership of the FCC Media Ministry team and is committed to making your visit memorable from the sound of the Worship to the ministering of the Word. All services stream live and are recorded and can be purchased after each service so that you may take them home and meditate on the Word given.

Rosella Martin
Rosella has been at FCC since 2012. Rosella is over our ministry of helps at FCC. Rosella is a graduate of Charis Bible college. Her and her team are responsible for serving food, bridal and baby showers, special events, and being pastor Dean's amor bearer. She is a staff member of Ambassadors to the nations where she is the Mission's administrator. She is a blessing to our church and missions.
Ministry of Helps