September 22 - 25, 2020
Welcome Ashley and Carlie Terradez!
Join Ashley and Carlie Terradez, Pastor Dean Melton, and Freedom Christian Center in Charlotte, NC for Camp Meeting 2020!
Following decades of speaking every year at this event, Andrew Wommack passed the torch in 2019 to Ashley and Carlie! Come and be blessed as this annual tradition continues from September 22nd to September 25th.
At this FREE, power-packed, life-changing meeting, you can expect to gain a greater revelation of everything that Jesus Christ has done for you. Fellowship with other believers in a family-focused environment and learn how to access all of those blessings Jesus purchased for you: peace and victory in your home and family, supernatural financial provision, physical and emotional healing, and a unique purpose and plan for your life!
Come and be empowered to believe God and learn to release His power in your everyday life! This event is open to the public, but seating is limited so register online today.
Concessions Available
Enjoy a variety of food, snacks and beverages cooked fresh and on site! Cash and Debit/Credit card accepted. Concessions open nightly at 5PM.
Terradez Ministry Materials Available
A variety of books, CDs and DVDs will be for sale through Camp Meeting.
Opportunities to Support Ministry
Many churches and ministries prepare all year to bring merchandise, food, crafts and other items to sell in support of their work. We encourage you to visit the different tables and see what they offer.
Can't Join Us?
Visit our Media page to watch Camp Meeting LIVE.
You can also order the recorded sessions by visiting our online store.
CD Set $25
DVD Set $30 (Wed-Fri meetings only)
Individual Meeting CD $7
Individual Meeting DVD $10
Learn more about their ministry by visiting their website.
Empowering believers in the Promises of God
Terradez Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry that helps people build a strong relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
With a special emphasis on supernatural healing and financial provision, we help people to access everything that Jesus has already provided for us through His death, burial, and resurrection.
Camp Meeting Service Times
Tuesday Service - 7:00PM
Wednesday Service - 7:00PM
Thursday Service - 7:00PM
Friday Service - 7:00PM
All Services held under the Pavilion and are FREE!
Children's Church is available for children ages 5 - 12.
Please meet church volunteers at the playground 15 minutes prior to the beginning of each service.
Discounted Hotel Information
Comfort Inn Suites
3425 Mulberry Church Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28208
(704) 971-4400
Please tell them you would like the Freedom Christian Center Charlotte rate of $89 per night.
Ambassadors to the Nations Annual Golf Tournament Wed. Sept. 23 at Westport Golf Course in Denver.
Visit their website for complete details.
Get Your Church, Business or Ministry Noticed at Camp Meeting!
Advertise in the Freedom Connections Full Color Publication given away to the hundreds of attendees at Camp Meeting. Learn More...